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The First Week Home With a New Puppy: Dog Vaccines, Puppy Food, and More!

The First Week Home With a New Puppy: Dog Vaccines, Puppy Food, and More! 1

You have bought your new puppy, and it is finally home romping around your house! They have likely had a few accidents, chewed up some shoes, and kissed a lot of noses.

But, now what?

The first week home with your new puppy can be overwhelming, to say the least. These tips will help you and your dog adjust like a pro.

Visit The Vet

Have your dog seen by a local vet and place them on a dog vaccine schedule. Learn about flea and tick prevention, deworming, and spaying/neutering.  Write your questions down, so you don’t forget to ask when your new puppy is bouncing around the vet’s office.

Choose a Puppy Food

Buy food specially formulated for the specific needs of puppies. Puppies need a blend of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The right balance will help them grow at a measured pace. Talk to your vet about puppy food best suited for your dog’s breed as certain kinds of dogs benefit from certain foods.

Get a Dog ID Tag Made

Attach a dog ID tag to your dog’s collar right away. Puppies can get loose easily and quickly. If you haven’t chosen a name yet, you can still have a tag made that has your phone number on it, just in case.

Choose a Name For Your Dog

Naming your dog is fun, and the sooner you have a name, the better. Training and bonding will become much easier once a dog learns their new name.

Teach Children Proper Dog Handling

Gentle strokes are the only acceptable form of contact with your new dog. Overly hostile play such as tugging the dog’s tail or pulling a dog’s ears could lead to an aggressive dog.

Teach your children that when dogs are scared, they might show their teeth, growl, or even bite if they feel threatened.

Stay At Home

Most puppies cannot socialize with other dogs until they are fully vaccinated. Avoid trips to dog parks, pet stores, and public areas until your dog is fully vaccinated.

Take this time to set up a crate or another isolated place, so your dog feels safe and secure. Dogs are den animals, and they instinctively yearn for a quiet place to rest.

The first three days should be spent adjusting to the new family and home. As tempting as it might be to take the new dog out on the town, it is not what is best for your dog.