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Puggle puppies for sale

Puggle Puppies for Sale

– Intelligent – Active – Loving –

  • Breed: Puggle
  • Group: Designer
  • Height: 10-15"
  • Weight: 10-20 lbs
  • HypoAllergenic: No
  • Coat: Short, Dense
  • Activity:
  • With Children:
  • With Animals:
  • Grooming:
  • Guard:
  • Trainability:


Our Puggle puppies for sale are a cross between the Beagle and Pug. Both loving, happy, and gentle breeds, our Puggle puppies for sale will bring you joy and be great family companions! 

Browse our Puggle puppies for sale to add a fun (and adorable) companion to your home!

overview of the Puggle Dog Breed

Are you looking for a loyal, friendly dog that is gentle and has sweet brown eyes?

Look at our Puggle puppies for sale below!

This medium-sized breed is an attempt at the best of both worlds: the adorable, active, and loyal Beagle, crossed with the gentle and laidback Pug.
The result? A sweet dog with big brown eyes, floppy ears, and a loving personality!

If you are ready for a gentle pup with a big heart, purchase your Puggle puppy today!

Don’t forget to take a look at our other breeds for sale while you are at it.

Puggle temperament

Loving and gentle: Puggles have a sweet and gentle nature that makes them great family dogs. They love to spend time playing and cuddling with their owners, and they get along well with other pets. Although they have a loveable, easy-going personality, they can be barkers and howlers.

Adaptable: Puggles can adapt well to different living environments, including apartments and houses. They do require regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Playful: Puggles typically have a playful and energetic side. They enjoy playtime and interactive activities with their owners.

Moderate to High Energy: As a designer dog, your Puggle may favor the Beagle, Pug, or may be a mix of both. Pugs have a moderate energy level (and can even tend toward laziness), while Beagles need lots of activity and exercise. Talk to your vet about the right amount and type of exercise for your Puggle.

Chowhound: Yes, both the Pug and Beagle are known for their love of food – so the Puggle gets this trait honestly! Measure your Puggle’s food and feed them twice a day instead of leaving their food out all the time. Protecting your Puggle from obesity is one of the best ways to extend your dog’s life.

Friendly: Pugs and Beagles are both happy, friendly breeds that love people, and Puggles are a loveable mix of both!

Stubborn: We hate to say it, but both the Beagle and Pug tend to be stubborn! The key is to start when they are young and give them consistent, loving training. Owners have found that training becomes easier as they learn to read their Pug’s body language, especially when house training.

When considering adding a Puggle to your family, spend time with the puppy’s parents if possible and ensure that the breeder follows responsible breeding practices. Early socialization, positive training, and consistent care play crucial roles in raising a well-adjusted and well-behaved Puggle.

Puggle Breed history

Puggles are a designer breed beginning in the 1980s and 90s. Like most designer breeds, little is known about their beginnings. Were they a happy accident? Or were they intentionally bred to achieve certain results?

Wallace Haven, a breeder from Wisconsin, claims to be the first person to have intentionally bred a Pug and Beagle.

This breed gained popularity quickly, and in 2005, the Puggle was said to be the most-owned crossbreed in history at that time!

What contributed to the sudden popularity of this designer breed?

Many people in the 80s were looking for smaller dogs suited to their urban lifestyle that weren’t fluffy lap dogs. The athletic, short-coated Puggle was the answer. Several celebrities owned Puggles during this time as well, which contributed to their increased popularity.

Puggle breeders and fans have been working to establish breed standards. There are some registries that accept Puggles, but this breed is not accepted by the AKC, which is a purebred registry.

Breeds that are somewhat similar to Puggles include Bulldogs and Boston Terriers.

Puggle Average size

Adult Puggles are 8-15″ tall at the shoulders and typically weigh 15-30 pounds.

Average Puggle lifespan

A typical Puggle lives 12-14 years.

Puggle body features

Since Puggles are a designer breed, there is a wide variety in their looks. 

However, there are two things most Puggles do have: big, brown eyes and drooping ears. 

Puggles can be various colors, including tan, brown, reddish-brown, and black and white. 

Beagle traits in a Puggle may include black markings, a longer snout, and a straight tail. 

Pug traits in a Puggle may include a lighter color, flat snout, and curled tail.

grooming Your Puggle Puppy

Puggles have short, dense coats which protect them from extreme temperatures. This means that they will shed heavily twice a year and moderately the rest of the year. 

During heavy shedding seasons, your Puggle should be brushed daily and bathed frequently to keep loose hair (and allergens) at a minimum.

If your Puggle inherits the wrinkles of a Pug, they’ll need special care. These wrinkles can either dry out, become damp, or get dirty if not properly cared for. Check your Puggle’s wrinkles regularly and clean them with cotton balls or baby wipes.

Keeping Your Puggle Puppy Healthy

The cross with Pug and Beagle means a Puggle may inherit health problems from either parent or both parents. It’s important to be aware of the health risks of Pugs and Beagles.

Because of their flat face, some Pugs develop breathing issues. Most of these are minor and result in snoring, snuffing, or overheating. Severe cases may require surgery.

Both Pugs and Beagles are known to be greedy eaters. All dogs need careful observation to make sure they don’t overeat and become obese, but this is especially critical with Puggles due to their smaller bodies and a big appetite.

Obesity, one of the most common health problems in dogs, can be a struggle for Puggles. As the caregiver, you can protect your dog from this and obesity-related conditions by giving your dog the correct amount of food and adequate exercise.

Hypothyroidism is a thyroid deficiency disorder that can be well-managed with daily medication.

Epilepsy is a disorder that causes seizures. Epilepsy can be managed with medication but cannot be cured.

Like all dog breeds, Puggles are susceptible to hip and elbow dysplasia, two of the most common health issues among dogs.

Hip and elbow dysplasia occurs when the leg or hip becomes weakened, and it can result in arthritis or potential lameness if not addressed.

One of the best ways to prevent this is by keeping your dog from running excessively on hard surfaces (especially when they are puppies) and preventing sudden weight gains and obesity.

Typical Puggle Allergens

Allergens are caused by dander, which is dead skin cells.  Both animals and humans shed these dead skin cells. Dander is attached to the hair that animals shed. 

Because of their thick, double coats, Puggles are not allergen-friendly dogs. 

You can keep allergens lower by brushing and bathing them regularly. 

If you or someone in your home has animal allergies, please consult your healthcare provider before adopting a puppy.

  • 1. Are Puggles noisy?
    Beagles LOVE to bark, and your Puggle may inherit this trait. Be prepared for a fairly noisy dog.
  • 2. What kind of personalities do Puggles have?
    Puggles are sweet, loving, and friendly. They make great family dogs and do well with children and other pets. However, they can have a stubborn streak that makes training difficult. They love people but they don’t tend to be eager to please. If you are willing to spend time with your Puggle and put in the energy to train him well, he will end up a wonderful family pet! But make sure you are willing to commit before you bring your Puggle home.
  • 3. Do Puggles have breathing issues?
    Pugs are a brachycephalic dog breed, which means that their head and neck structure sometimes causes them to have respiratory issues. Because of the Beagle in them, Puggles do not have quite the same squished-up bone structure that Pugs do. That means they probably won’t have as many problems as purebred Pugs. Still, their Beagle parentage makes them more energetic than purebred Pugs, so they may try to play too hard and end up encountering respiratory issues. Some of the issues Puggles may encounter include snoring, snorting, and wheezing.
  • 4. How can I keep a Puggle from becoming obese?
    Puggles love to eat, and because of their small size and large appetite, they are apt to become obese. One of the best ways to prevent your pup from overeating is to measure her food and feed her at set times instead of leaving the food out 24/7. That way you can limit her intake.
  • 5. Are Puggles stubborn and hard to train?
    Unfortunately, both Beagles and Pugs tend to be stubborn, so Puggles usually have a stubborn streak too. Training them takes time and patience, but it can be done.
  • 6. Where can I register a Puggle?
    Puggles are a designer breed, not a pure breed, so you cannot register them with the AKC. However, you can register designer breeds with the American Canine Hybrid Club, the Designer Breed Registry, or the International Designer Canine Registry.
  • 7. Do Puggles shed a lot?
    Puggles have dense coats that shed moderately year-round. They will also experience heavier shedding in the spring and fall.
  • 8. Are Puggles healthier than Pugs?
    Puggles may inherit some of the health problems of their Pug parents, but overall they tend to be healthier than Pugs because of the greater genetic diversity they gain from being a crossbreed. They also don’t tend to struggle with brachycephalic syndrome as much as Pugs because of the longer neck and snout they get from their Beagle side.
  • 9. Are Puggles active?
    Puggles are more active than Pugs, who tend toward laziness, because of their Beagle heritage. They will need about 30 minutes of exercise per day. Just remember not to overexert them because of the breathing issue they may inherit from the Pug side of the family.
  • 10. Do Puggles wander a lot?
    Beagles will wander far and wide every chance they get. A Puggle may inherit this trait from its Beagle parent, so be prepared to build a good fence!

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