Caring for your New Puppy
Congratulations on bringing your new puppy home! This is such an exciting time of bonding and learning all about your new pet. This is also a very crucial time of learning and developing for your puppy. Your puppy will learn the fastest in the next few months, which makes consistent training and creating of good habits key to a happy relationship with your puppy.
Giving your puppy the best home possible
Find a Vet
Puppies and dogs will require regular visits to a vet to keep them healthy. Make sure you find a vet that you are comfortable with.
Make sure you have all the supplies you need for your new puppy including bowls, leashes, collars, beds. Puppy-proof you home; make sure everything dangerous to your new puppy is up and out of the way like electrical cords, medication, and cleaning supplies
It will be easy to just want to pamper your new puppy, but establishing good habits at a young age is crucial to being able to enjoy your puppy long term. You will thank yourself later for starting house training and good obedience habits at a young age.
Your puppy will thrive on lots of love and attention; have fun bonding with and loving on your puppy, it will love you in return! Daily walks, plenty of play time, chew toys, and exercise will keep your puppy from becoming bored and destructive.