Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Is Infinity Pups a puppy mill?
No, we are an advertising source for reputable breeders. If we find a breeder to be in violation of state breeding laws, we will discontinue advertising for that breeder. We ask the public to make us aware of any situations they come across so we can take the proper steps necessary.
Q: What do I do if I buy a puppy and it gets sick?
The first step is to contact the breeder of the puppy directly. In the event the breeder is unresponsive to your inquiry, you can contact us for assistance. All breeders are expected to guarantee the health of their puppies in accordance with their state's laws.
Q: Can I purchase a puppy today?
PA State Law requires a puppy to be 8 weeks old before it can leave the breeder's home. Please make arrangements with the breeder to pick up your new puppy.
Q: Who do I contact if I am interested in a puppy?
Contact the breeder of that particular puppy. You can find all of the information you need on the page of the puppy you are interested in. The breeder's name and telephone number as well as other specifics about the puppy are located on that page.