Preparing Your Home for a Puppy
(go directly to the checklist)
You are considering adding a new puppy to your family, and we know you are excited!
Before going out and randomly choosing the first puppy that catches your eye, you must prepare your home and your family for this exciting addition.
Let's quickly look at three areas you should consider before purchasing a puppy. Feel free to print out the attached checklist at the bottom.
Doing Your Research
Puppies of any breed are cute and charming and will quickly win the hearts of prospective puppy owners.
However, all puppies are also very different in their needs and instincts peculiar to their breed. It is essential for folks interested in adding a puppy to their home to give due diligence to learn as much as possible before taking this big step.
Since everyone's lifestyle and schedule differ, you must find the breed that best fits you and your family's lifestyle. You must understand that there is no breed of puppy ideal for every family, and there is no family ideal for every breed of puppy.
So what are some questions that will help you find the breed that is right for you?
- What breed requirements will work best for your family?
- How much space and exercise do they require?
- What costs are regularly associated with the breed?
- What are some breed-specific strengths? Weaknesses?
Being familiar with common weaknesses in the breed will allow you to pick up on any issues more quickly and properly address them before they develop into more significant problems.
Finding the best puppy professionals in your area is another critical part of your "pre-puppy" research. A good veterinarian will be one of the most important people you choose.
Why is a veterinarian so important?
A veterinarian plays a vital role in the routine healthcare of your dog and in treating any specific health issues that may arise. Choose a veterinarian with your and your puppy's best interest in mind. If you do not already have a veterinarian that you know and trust, get references from friends and other dog owners.
Find a local emergency veterinary hospital. While we hope you never need it, you should know where an emergency veterinary hospital is if your puppy needs off-hours emergency veterinary care. Puppy professionals may include a dog groomer, a dog walker, and a doggie daycare center.
Your family's initial interactions with your puppy are also crucial.
Discuss and establish rules and routines for your new puppy. A puppy should have a regular feeding, exercise, and training schedule. Everyone who will play an active role in training and caring for the puppy must agree on what is – and what is not - acceptable puppy behavior.
The more consistent you are in training your puppy, the more quickly and easily puppy training will go. You must decide on what acceptable corrective measures to take for unacceptable puppy behavior. Always use positive correction methods.
NEVER, EVER respond or discipline your puppy out of frustration or anger!
Puppy-Proofing Your Home
Just like children, puppies are driven by curiosity and will explore and get into anything they can access.
What does this mean for your home?
Close or eliminate small gaps behind appliances and furniture where a puppy may explore and get stuck. Electrical cords are tempting for little puppies to chew on. But they can be hazardous to your puppy by shocking them and causing painful burns in their mouth. Cover or put electrical cords away from a puppy's reach.
Household cleaning supplies and medications are toxic to pets and should be stored high out of reach or securely placed in a cabinet behind childproof locks.
And speaking of toxic things inside your house – let's not forget house plants!
Many houseplants are poisonous to dogs and can cause your puppy health issues ranging from mild irritation to organ failure and death. Any toxic plants inside your home should be disposed of or kept well away from your puppy's environment.
Since puppies like to chew on things they find, keeping your puppy's area free of small objects like coins, rubber bands, paper clips, and jewelry is imperative. Batteries are not only small, but they can also cause severe burns to a growing puppy if swallowed. Small objects containing batteries, such as remote controls and key fobs, are also dangerous for the same reasons.
Establish boundaries for your puppy in your house by closing doors or using baby gates. Also, be sure to keep windows and doors closed so the puppy cannot escape the safe environment of your home.
What about the outdoors?
In warmer weather, the backyard will be your puppy's playground, so your yard must also be puppy-friendly. In most cases, it is best to have a physical barrier, such as a fence, to define the puppy's boundaries and keep them contained. Ensure your wall has no gaps or holes a puppy can squeeze through.
Pools, especially inground pools, should be surrounded by a fence to prevent your puppy from
accidentally falling into them.
Keeping your lawn mowed and maintained regularly will make waste removal easier and lower the likelihood of your puppy getting ticks. Tall, unkempt grass is a likely place for ticks to hide, waiting to latch onto unsuspecting victims like your puppy.
And lastly, if you have any toxic plants in your landscape, remove them.
Going Shopping
If you have made it this far, congratulations. You are ready for the fun part!
You are almost ready to get your puppy. A shopping spree to your favorite pet supply store will outfit you with the few things remaining on your to-do list.
- Crate
While a crate can greatly help house training, it will also prevent misbehavior while you are away or the puppy is left unsupervised.
With a puppy crate, you can have peace of mind that your house is not being torn apart and that your puppy is not getting into things that will harm him while you are away.
A crate also allows a puppy to have personal space and feel secure - especially in a new, unfamiliar environment.
- Food & Water Bowls
This is an obvious yet essential purchase.
Many styles and options exist, so which is best for you?
Consider the design and construction materials used when choosing food and water bowls. Bowls made of ceramic, glass, or stainless steel are great hygienic options as they are dishwasher-safe.
Bowls should be sturdy and easy to clean. Choose a size appropriate to your breed of puppy.
- Collar or Harness and Leash
Before purchasing an expensive collar or harness, you will want to know the exact measurement of your puppy for proper fitment.
In time, collars and harnesses must be adjusted or replaced to keep up with the puppy's growing body.
Every puppy should have basic leash training. Your leash's size and weight depend on the size and weight of the puppy you are getting. Larger breeds may need to graduate to heavier leashes as they get older.
- Food
Food is one of the most basic needs – yet it can be complicated.
How do you get started when a wide array of puppy foods is available?
It is a good idea to start by feeding your puppy the same brand/recipe of food the puppy ate before you got him. Over several days, you can gradually switch the puppy to another quality food you choose.
Often, your veterinarian can direct you to a quality, healthy puppy food choice.
- Treats
Because puppies love rewards, treats are an excellent tool for training your puppy.
- Toys
Providing your puppy with a few safe toys to chew on and snuggle with will help them to
feel at home. Chew toys will also alleviate boredom and provide an alternative to harmful household goods.
Getting a puppy can be an overwhelming responsibility and is not a decision to be made lightly.
Once you have done your research, puppy-proofed your home, and bought a few necessities (and a few extra goodies) for your new furbaby, you are ready for the next step: CHOOSING YOUR PUPPY!
Click below to download the printable checklist