One Year Health Guarantee
Your puppy is guaranteed to be in good health at the time you take him home. He has been dewormed at 2 weeks of age and every 2 weeks thereafter. He has been examined by a licensed veterinarian and was to be found in good health.
Your veterinarian should check your puppy within 2 weeks from the date of purchase. If your veterinarian feels that the puppy is not healthy, and has a life threatening illness, have him write a letter describing the problem. I will have the condition confirmed by my veterinarian. If the condition is validated, you may return the puppy for a full refund, or I will provide a replacement puppy.
If your puppy dies within the first year from a congenital defect, he/she will be replaced at no charge. An autopsy must be performed to determine the cause of death, and a letter from your veterinarian must state that the cause of death was congenital. If you breed your puppy during the first year, this guarantee is no longer valid.
As a responsible breeder, I try my best to prevent your puppy from having problems. Some times things go wrong, and there may be unexpected veterinarian bills. As a pet owner, you must understand that you are responsible for any veterinarian bills incurred after your puppy leaves my home.
All puppies are sold as a family companion. I cannot guarantee the breeding, hunting, or show ability of any puppy.